Counter and Rental Clerk Careers
Nature of the Work
Counter and rental clerks receive orders for repairs, rentals, and services. They discuss available options with the customer, write-up details of the purchase, compute the cost, and accept payment.
Education and Training
Most counter and rental clerk jobs are entry-level positions that require little or no experience and minimal formal education. In most companies, counter and rental clerks are trained on the job by more experienced workers and sometimes through the use of videos and other instruction manuals.
Job Outlook
Employment change. Employment is projected to grow at 3 percent, slower than the average for all occupations. As this occupation usually requires personal contact with the customer, it is difficult to completely automate. Growth in the occupation will reflect growth in the rental business, including apartment rentals, and growth in the purchasing of services, such as dry cleaning and auto repairs, and the desire by companies to provide greater customer service. Trends, such as videos provided by mail and online, may reduce the need for some of these clerks at video rental stores.
Job prospects. Job opportunities are expected to be favorable. Entry-level jobs typically experience high turnover and generate numerous job openings, leading to favorable job opportunities as workers who leave this occupation will need to be replaced.