Musical Instrument Repairer and Tuner Careers
Nature of the Work
Musical instrument repairers and tuners are craft workers who use a variety of techniques and tools to bring damaged or out-of-tune instruments into proper working order. They often specialize by type of instrument and in either tuning or repair.
Education and Training
Most musical instrument repairers and tuners learn their craft through trade schools or apprenticeships. A basic ability to play the instruments being repaired is normally required.
Job Outlook
Employment change. Musical instrument repairers and tuners are expected to experience little or no change in employment from 2008-18. Band and orchestra programs in high schools provide most of the business for repairers, and they are not as prevalent as they once were, but this has been offset somewhat by population growth.
Job prospects. Job prospects should be excellent. As the baby boomer generation retires and many skilled workers leave the workforce, new workers will be needed to replace them.